Luxembourg Companies Law 1: launching your business project

Choosing the appropriate corporate form and incorporation

560,00 HTVA

Code : CE2107001EN

Public / Target Audience : Entrepreneurs, accountants, in-house lawyers, domiciliary agents, independent directors...

Niveau / Level : Initiation / Beginner, Perfectionnement / Advanced

Modalités / Organisational mode : Distance learning and in person

Durée / Duration : 7 hours

Objectifs / Objectives :

  • Setting up your company with informed knowledge
  • Increasing your familiarity with the legal formalities relating to setting up your business project

Module 1: establishing a sole proprietorship or opting for the incorporation of a commercial company 

  • Distinguishing the conduct of business as a tradesman or through a company
  • Advantages of opting for a company
  • Distinction between the companies and other entities: ASBL, EIG, branch…
  • Overview of the 1915 law on commercial companies and recent reforms
  • Comparing capital companies and partnerships
  • Types of commercial companies and overview of their specificities: SNC, Scoop, SA, SARL, SARL-S, SAS, SCA, SCS/p

Practical exercise: choosing the most appropriate corporate form for your business project

Module 2: understanding and carrying out the relevant administrative formalities associated with your project 

  • Understanding the business licence and whether one is needed
  • Applying for a business licence: sectors of activity concerned, concept of management, conditions and administrative procedures, timeframe, etc.

Module 3: incorporating a commercial company (SA, SARL) 

  • Incorporation steps: preliminary steps, key documents, timeframes, role of the notary, conditions for the validity of the deed, share capital, bank account, legal personality, paying up shares, first general meeting, post incorporation formalities
  • Third party disclosure formalities: RCS, RESA, RBE
  • Domiciliation of commercial companies: applicable law and related jurisprudence
  • Nationality and substance of commercial companies: real seat theory, central administration and related jurisprudence


Entrepreneurial mindset and familiarity with Luxembourg business law or background in corporate law

Acquired skills

These modules will provide you with the necessary basis in order to help you choose and incorporate your commercial company and to undertake the necessary administrative formalities related to your new activity


Patrick Lestienne
Attorney at Law in Luxembourg

Next planned distance learning sessions

(Registration available through the links below)
26 + 27/01/2022 (9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.)
28 + 30/09/2022 (9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.)

Alternative organisational mode on request by completing the form beside

  • You are at least 3 people and want to organise this training in your organisation’s premises

Registration(s) for the next session in English – distance learning given over 2 mornings

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